Have you ever considered co-creating with your Spirit Team to transform your business journey?
Have you ever considered co-creating with your Spirit Team to transform your business journey?
When I began this practice, it shifted the trajectory of my business, aligning me with my purpose and propelling me forward. Now, I'm excited to share my tried-and-tested tips to help you establish or strengthen your connection with your Spirit Team, guiding you towards manifesting your business goals.
In business, it common that you strive to achieve your business goals through hard work, strategy, long hours, and determination all the while relying solely on your human aspect alone.
This will eventually lead to decision fatigue, burnout, procrastination, feeling stuck unmotivated and even broke. This cycle often results in moving you from one idea to the next without fully implementing any of them.
When you work this way, you are only accessing a tiny fraction of your true potential.
But when you co-create and tap into the power of your sprit team, everything changes, everything within your business becomes easier.
Here are the steps I use..
Ground Yourself: Take a moment to ground yourself by calling all your energy back to you. Slow down and connect with your breath. Inhale and exhale deeply until you feel centered within your body.
Connection: Connect with the highest version of yourself first and then ask to be connected to your spirit team. You might experience a sense of inner peace, clarity, or inspiration. Some people describe feeling a gentle energy flow or a comforting presence around them. Be patient as your ego may attempt to dismiss this connection as imaginary.
Trust – Trust in your connection and believe that your spirit team is working behind the scenes to support you in manifesting your goals. Have faith that they are aligning circumstances and opportunities in your favor.
Act on Guidance: When making decisions for your business, trust the insights you receive from your intuition. These insights may be subtle but often lead you in the right direction.
Express Gratitude - Express gratitude regularly for the guidance, support, and blessings you receive from your spirit team. Gratitude is a powerful energy that strengthens your connection and amplifies the co-creative process.
As you deepen and build a stronger connection with your spirit team, you will begin to feel the power of this co-creation to manifest your business goals, remember that you are not alone on your journey. Your spirit team is always by your side, ready to support you in achieving your highest aspirations.
Trust in the process, act on intuition, and express gratitude for the abundant blessings and ideas that flow from your co-creative partnership.
I hope this helps you on your business journey.